Database4Business owns a comprehensive and verified collection of database of Keralites. A large part of the Indian population in UAE consist of Keralites (migrants or descendants of people from the Indian state of Kerala). Among the 4 million migrants in UAE, close to 1 million plus are from Kerala. All Keralites Database Dubai, UAE by database4bbusiness are checked, verified and well-sorted to be ready-to-use.
Keralites has a major share in economic contribution from migrant Indians. In addition to employment-based migrants database, we have Keralite entrepreneurs Dubai/UAE database and Keralite businessman database etc.
Use our Keralites in Dubai/UAE database for:
- Targeted marketing
- Email blasting and newsletters for brand building
- Bulk Whatsapp promotions
- Bulk SMS promotions
Our Main Categories
- Keralites in Dubai Database
- Keralites in UAE Database
- Keralites in Abu Dhabi Database
- Keralites top executives Dubai/UAE Database
- Keralites Multi-millionaire Dubai/UAE Database
- Keralite Entrepreneurs Dubai/UAE Database
- High-salaried Keralites Dubai/UAE Database
- Keralites migrant-labour Database
- Keralites Professionals Dubai/UAE Database
- Keralite Businessman Dubai/UAE Database
- Keralite frequent flyers Dubai/UAE Database